

Gulf Oil Corporation was to held accountable for the improper maintence of its refinery in South Philadelphia.Read more


The North District typically contains the neighborhoods of Fairhill, West Fairhill, St. Hugh, Tioga, Alleghany West, Nicetown, Hunting Park, Juniata Park, Harrowgate, Feltonville, and a portion of...Read more


The audience for this article is both the general public and environmental activists. This article was composed for the purpose of illustrating how dangerous Philadelphia Energy Solution’s...Read more


Young, Alison. 2015, October 12). More evidence children harmed by lead near Philadelphia 'Ghost Factory.' USA Today. Retrieved from:...Read more


Within this news article, PA Governor Tom Wolf openly endorses industrial investment into Pennsylvania and Philadelphia from the Marcellus Shale formation. This endorsement indicates the political...Read more


This article’s findings are support by interviews from Sandy Salzman, executive director of the New Kensington Community Development Corp., and Sen. Robert Casey, D-Pa. The CDC federal testing...Read more

Anecdotes on Research Experience

Write anecdotes around research experience (100-200 words each) Not a lot of "mappable data", data seems to be more about infrastructures than up-to-date environmental standards When considering which data set to analyze, I came across the challenge of finding data I would actually be able to map...Read more


Data for this article was collected from city council member interviews, advocacy group interviews, EPA documents (2013 toxic release tables), and the American Lung Association statistics. The...Read more


The protestors at the refinery hoped to catch the attention of politicians at the DNC.Read more

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